So to all you active jw's, don't winge about how awful it is to be a jw.
Winne, think of it this way. There are those who hate their jobs and complain about it, yet still go. There may be several reasons for this.
As mentioned from other posters, this is basically what some JW's do while still being "active". Their ties may be family, reform, trying to help their brothers/sisters in the light of what the Bible says...etc.
I'm still an active JW. I choose to filter out what the WTS teaches if it is not in line with what the Bible says in my limited perception of scripture. I don't know everything about the Bible, but I'm still learning and trying to do my best to follow in the steps of Jesus Christ. Not the WTS.
Do you believe everything in the newspaper? Do you read everything in the newspaper? I don't. And that is what I do when reading the publications of the WTS.
By the way winnie, we appreciate that you here and what you are feeling. This applies to all posters, whether "active" JW's or not.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)